Photo Posting Guide For Various Websites

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Photo Posting Guide For Various Websites

Post by broady_6 » 12th August 2018 - 10:11pm

I am putting together a guide for a number of image hosting sites and a walk through on how to post on this forum. If you have any requests of specific sites or questions please send me a PM and I will make you a guide or answer them and post here. All of these sites require you to sign up, but are usually free to use. Once signed up you will have an album, this is where your photos will been kept on the internet. If you move into a different folder this will cause the link to stop working.

First off Photobucket.

Once signed up you will be in your album, to organise things you can create sub albums, these are seem on the left.


Once your are in the right album select the photo you want by clicking on the photo itself, not the tick. This will open the photo, on the right hand side you will see 4 boxes. We are interested in the bottom on. IMG.


Right click the blue highlighted text and you will get the usualy drop down box. Click copy.


Now head over to us here on the type 3 and 4 club and go to the place you want your photo to appear. In the box where you normally type reply, click full editor and preview.


These next two photos are not essential, but it has caused problems previously if this information is left in so I will leave this up to the users to decide. Delete the two pieces highlighted in flue, Leaving just the text between the img brackets.



Click preview to check you link is working.


Repeat the process for any other images you want to add, put a space between the two links.


Once you have included all the images you wanted to. Click submit and your done!
The sultan of swing

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